On the road: Carnaby Street _

After visiting a numerous amount of destinations last week in London, Carnaby Street was the one place I was really looking forward to visiting, and it didn’t disappoint!
What a welcome…
The whole environment outside felt alive. The shops ranging from high-street to high-end was a great mix, and didn’t feel like there was divide in popularity between them. The people visiting this space weren’t a particular age, as the shops were to cater for all ages – which is great!
On the corners of the shops between side streets were really funky decorated shops, which brought colour and personality!
On some of the buildings, they were painted a vibrant pastel colour.. It was giving us beach and seaside vibes! I love the use of this block colour on the building, it has an inviting feel to it. Pssst! Too Faced are opening here very soon, which we are also very excited about!
Down the side streets were decorated in a subtle yet effective way. There were glass droplet effect lighting hanging across the walk ways between buildings which were such as lovely touch, and when it gets dark they start to light up – this adds a warm feeling to those who are more of the late night shoppers!
The city never sleeps…
A lot of cool, creative and artistic shop window displays here at Carnaby Street…
Until next time Carnaby!