
July 16th, 2015

Design 4Retail

Virtual Karen Millen Store Thanks to Digital Integration

In response to the boom of digital media in retail, Karen Millen have adapted to their consumer’s busy lifestyles with providing the experience of a physical store but from the comfort of their own homes, 24 hours a day. The virtual shopping experience allows customers to browse, zoom in and out of areas, see product descriptions and share snapshots of their selected products. As a retail design agency, we are very impressed by this great idea.

Karen Millen Virtual Store Karen Millen Virtual Store Karen Millen Virtual Store

It is important for retailers to differentiate themselves, one of the increasing techniques being digital media, social media and technology, however now the challenge is to differentiate within this sector. Karen Millen has successfully created an engaging customer experience, allowing their customers to shop more easily in an interactive way which retains the aspiration of walking around a physical store. This is a fantastic example of how digital integration can be a positive step to make sure brands are differentiating themselves from competitors.

To learn more or to see what other services we can offer, please get in touch.